How to fish with braid?

tresse pêche

Braid is one of the elements that will be of great help to you when it comes to fishing. In order for it to serve you best, it is important to choose it carefully. If you take the right initiatives for this accessory, you will be able to catch big fish at best.

The difference between nylon and braided line

To fish well with a fishing braid The first step is to compare it with the other main alternative, nylon. The latter is better suited to fishing for beginners, especially because of its low price. However, you will have more specific needs as you go along.

The main detail that differentiates nylon from braid is that the latter is much less elastic. Nylon will show this impractical property as soon as you turn to bigger game. There is no need to worry about this when it comes to braid.

Adapting to fishing conditions

If braid is best suited to a more elaborate style of fishing, then the next step is to choose the right fishing braid. There are many details to consider when choosing a fishing line. These include diameter, strength and many other details.

The fish you want to catch, but also the fishing conditions themselves, are elements that influence the material to use. You need to make sure that you choose the most suitable option for the fishing conditions you are going to go into. Depending on the case, one type of braid will be more suitable than another.

Understanding the importance of the number of strands

Unlike nylon, a fishing braid will include several strands. It starts from 4 strands, but the number of strands can go up to 8, 12 or even 16 strands. The fewer the number of strands, the better the resistance to abrasive water. The more strands, the further the line can be cast.

The number of strands will also increase the resistance of your line if it is high. A 4-strand braid will therefore have less resistance than a 12-strand model. This should be taken into account depending on the fish you want to catch.

Using a good line

For your fishing braid to be effective, it is necessary to use a good piece of line. The purpose of the line is to make your line inconspicuous to the fish. The tip of the line will be made of materials such as fluorocarbon. This has the advantage that it is transparent.

The fish will not be able to see that the bait is connected to your line. The details of the line are the material of which it is made, but also its strength. With a good diameter, you can expect it to catch a massive fish well. The length should also be chosen carefully, especially for fishing such as surfcasting.

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