When to bait carp?

Baiting is a method of catching several fish as quickly as possible. But while baiting carp but while baiting can be as effective, the technique is not so easy to set up. To bait carp effectively, you will need to adapt the bait to the situation you are facing. The choice of bait and equipment used must be optimised, but the best time to bait must also be determined.

Baiting strategy adapted to the bait used

Different techniques can be used forcarp baiting, but first it should be stressed that this depends on several parameters. The first factor to consider is the type of bait you are going to use. Baiting is mainly a strategy to attract carp to your spot by using a maximum of baits. It is therefore advisable to bait a specific area in order to have more efficiency.

There can be three types of baiting and they are determined at specific periods.

  • Long-term baiting (over several days or weeks). This strategy involves getting the fish used to the bait before starting a session.
  • Initial baiting: this is what should be done at the beginning of a session.
  • Recall baiting: this is done when you have made a successful catch or when you have changed your line.

It is therefore according to these stages that the type of baits adapted should be chosen.

Carp baiting tools

To successfullybait carp, you need special tools to make the job easier. One of these is the slingshot, which propels the bait by means of a rubber band attached to the handle. You can put different types of baits in it, such as seed, pellets or groundbait balls. Later on, you can also use PVAs. Here it should be noted that there can be several models of PVC; either in bags, sticks or double strands. They are mainly used for locating a small amount of bait near your bait.

After that, you can also use the baiting shovel, the dart launcher, the bait ratchet or the bucket. These tools should be used according to the situation.

The right time to bait carp

As you have understood, there are several techniques forbaiting carp. This means that they can be carried out at different times. The most important thing is to understand that before and during carp fishing, baiting can always be done. This gives you the maximum chance of attracting fish without going back empty-handed. Before fishing, they should be attracted to the area you have determined. And just at the beginning of the fishing, baiting allows you to make the least effort to get them close to you. And during the fishing, it is also necessary to do it regularly.

As for the season, you will have to refer to the behaviour of the carp during each period of the year to understand their activities. What is certain is that it is always wise to wait until the end of the breeding season.

Carp fishing

There are several techniques for carp fishing, one of which is carp fishing by jigging. The aim of this method is to catch fish in a well-defined area called the blow. For successful fishing, however, it is important to master the basic carp fishing strategies.

How to prepare bait for carp fishing

Carp fishing is practised on rivers, ponds and less agitated canals. To be successful, it is not only necessary to use a good quality carp rod , but also to prepare the bait well. There are two ways of baiting carp: with flour and with baiting.

If you decide to use a flour bait, it is wise to make a well-nourished preparation, and this, to seduce carps easily. Opt for fatty substances such as biscuits and maize components such as meal. As for the bait, you can mix vegetable baits such as lupin and wheat. And to entice the fish, consider combining the mixture with maggots.

The different techniques of carp fishing

There are three different methods of carp fishing: spinning, feeding and match fishing. They each have their specificities. But to fill your basket quickly, think of the technique of fishing with the English blow. It allows you to fish for fish that are on the bottom. Carp live mainly on the bottom of ponds or canals because these places are very rich in aquatic vegetation.

The fish get used to feeding there and only come up to the surface during the summer period. To catch a carp, the hook should be placed at the bottom of the water. To avoid your fish escaping, wait for the cork to sink completely before you strike. Not only that, it is also important to choose the right rod for carp fishing.

Equipment for carp fishing

For the pleasure of fishing, it is advisable to choose your equipment well, in this case your carp rod. It is the major element that allows you to catch fish. You can choose between telescopic and take-apart rods. If you plan to fish less than 7 m from the shore, consider a telescopic rod. It is practical and, above all, less cumbersome. The only drawback is that it is difficult to control when the wind is strong.

As far as the take-apart rod is concerned, it is necessary to fish more than 10 m from the shore. It is adjustable up to 18.5 m. As for the line of the carp cutting rod, it is advisable to use a nylon line of 0.16 mm to 0.22 mm. Make sure that it combines flexibility, regularity and knot strength. It should be noted that a minimum of 100 metres of line is required for carp fishing.

Which carp fishing hook?

Carp fishing can be practiced all year round and is very popular with fishing enthusiasts. Moreover, fishing for this type of fish can be done both during the day and at night. And that’s not all! Carp fishing is an opportunity for you to catch beautiful fish. The weight of these fish is usually around 10 kg and more (up to 20 kg). However, as with other fish, carp fishing also involves choosing the right hook to use. In this article you will find all you need to know about choosing the right hook for successful carp fishing.

The hook, an essential element for carp fishing

You should not underestimate the choice of thecarp hook that you will place at the end of the line. The hook is an essential element for fishing in general and for carp fishing in particular. Indeed, as mentioned above, carp is a rather large fish, and its catch requires a strong and sharp hook. If you choose the wrong hook, you will be more likely to be confronted with stalls (due to a hook opening in the middle of a fight for example).

However, the market currently offers a wide choice of hooks with extremely varied characteristics. It is easy to get lost, especially if you are a beginner in the field. By these few lines below, we will guide you so that you do not make a mistake in the choice of your carp hook.

How to choose the shape and the point of the hook

As you will surely have noticed, the hooks available on the market are constantly diversifying. It is mainly through the type of shape and point that these hooks differ from one another. In many ways, hooks with a straight shank and an inward point are the most popular models. These types of hooks are classified as “iron-strong”, i.e. very robust. These are the ideal types of hooks for carp fishing in congested waters (e.g. dead wood) or in running waters (rivers).

Apart from that, always use a hook with a sharp point, so that the carp can keep it once swallowed.

The question of hook size for carp fishing

The choice of the size of thecarp hook depends on the size of the bait to be used. Obviously, the larger the bait, the larger the hook you use (size 1 to 4). If the bait you are planning to use is small, you will of course opt for the small hooks (size 4 to 8).